Aleksandar Protić
Dugogodišnje pozitivno iskustvo sa Bonus Sistem. Izuzetna firma sa divnim ljudima spremnim da uvek pomognu i odgovore na svako pitanje. Precizni, tačni i od poverenja. Hvala!

Nevena Janković
Sa Bonus Sistem sarađujemo preko godinu i po dana i pravo su osveženje u poslovnom svetu. Uvek su tu da pruže pomoć i savete, a brz odziv dodatno olakšava poslovanje što ih čini nezaobilaznim partnerom. Bez rezerve ih preporučujem svima koji žele efikasno i pouzdano eksterno knjigovodstvo.

Ivan Minić
Uvek je važno imati dobar odnos i komunikaciju sa eksternim knjigovodstvom. Sa Bonus Sistemom je to bar lako 🙂 Profesionalno, brzo, efikasno – sve pohvale za tim!
P. Obradović
Bonus system had been engaged by POLIFARM DOO for bookkeeping services. During the period of cooperation with Bonus sistem and its General manager / owner Ivana Zupanc , we have experienced only high level of professionalism, possibility of consultancy in the field of finance, as well as good advisory service. Ivana and her team are highly motivated, competent and dedicated to our firm, as a client, and providing excellent support to our business. Respectfully
Angelina Milić
Bonus system had been engaged by MAYIM DOO for bookkeeping services. During the period of cooperation with Bonus Sistem and its General manager / owner Ivana Zupanc , we have experienced only high level of professionalism, possibility of consultancy in the field of finance, as well as good advisory service. Ivana and her team are highly motivated, competent and dedicated to our firm, as a client, and providing excellent support to our business. Respectfully

Tatjana Koceić
Samo pozitivni utisci. Profesionalne i kvalitetne usluge. Ljubazni i uvek na raspolaganju za pomoć i savet. Brz odziv. Osećaj sigurnosti i poverenja. Za svaku preporuku!